

Rich Teslow

Rich is a consummate nerd. He loves all things computers, servers, networking, and technology. When he’s not busy being a Dad, YouTuber, Podcaster, and engineer, you can find him playing a little CoD with his son and friends. Rich’s background is in infrastructure engineering and design, which is a fancy way to say he keeps the packets flowing and the servers online. He fell in love with infrastructure during the early years of virtualization, and his homelab has not only been a source of education and learning but his playground to experiment with new technology and ideas.


Branden Kaestner

Branden is a technology enthusiast and an engineer at heart. He is passionate about all things open source, whether it runs on bare metal, virtual machines (VMs), or containers. When he’s not engrossed in his gaming PC, he enjoys spending time outdoors camping or hiking in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.